Very subtle vegetarian propaganda.

A whole bunch of pictures from what purports to be inside a Chinese Walmart showed up in my inbox this morning. [I don’t doubt their authenticity, but there is simply no way for me to confirm it.] My correspondent was sickened by them. Me? Not so much.

The pictures reminded me of what has come to be my favorite TV show. In fact, I think it’s the only TV show I watch these days: Bizarre Foods. In it, the chef and food writer Andrew Zimmern travels around the world eating what purports to be very strange stuff. In fact, about 75% of it isn’t. It just involves different versions of pig and cow innards that we you (I’m a vegetarian) eat anyway every time you have a hot dog.

Therefore, while I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Bizarre Foods in China, I’m not the least bit surprised to find out that they eat turtles:

This picture, on the other hand, did give me pause though:

It’s at this point that I did some digging and found the source for that e-mail. It’s here. They say that’s a Chinese Crocodile.

“Yuck!,” thought I. “How can the Chinese do that?” Then I remembered that Andrew Zimmern ate crocodile in Australia. I can’t find that clip, but I found this:

Eat one meat. You might as well eat them all.

One Response to “Very subtle vegetarian propaganda.”

  1. UncleBob says:

    I ate Croc when I was down in New Orleans years ago. It was all spicey, so you couldn’t really taste the meat anyway.

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