Hush money.

Thanks to Yahoo (via Wal-Mart Watch*) the world can see that Walmart is paying $6.75 million to Tom Coughlin, a convicted felon who supposedly stole from the company.

If his thievery were such an open and shut case, why would such a notoriously cheap, lawyer-happy company like this one still cough up so much cash? Remind me what Coughlin’s original excuse for stealing was again?

* Eric, the figure in your link contradicts your post, but what’s $500,000 to these guys anyways?

2 Responses to “Hush money.”

  1. Will the next recipient of such unexpected and uncommon largesse be the videographer who owns all the old WalMart videtaped meetings -including the Coughlin years -and anti union “seminars”?

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